Tales of Being a Life Spy and Creative Explore

Mara McCann
3 min readSep 24, 2020

An ongoing journey…

Traits of the best spies




They smile. So no one knows what they are thinking

They have costumes, depending on what country they land in.

They know lots of languages

They have super human brains.

How to develop all the unique spy skills you have ever needed. Pretend.

That’s what I do. I just pretend I’m like that, so I teach myself to be like that. Then I can be a great mysterious spy. That’s my dream. Go anywhere I want and do whatever I want and get in and out of doors with simple card tricks while I’m speaking Lithuanian.

That’s what I love about my imagination. I can do anything in my imagination. I wish everything that I did imagine would become real. You know all the good parts. Some things do actually! Like I imagined myself here. I wrote exactly where I wanted to live, what it looked like and poof! wow :) was I surprised! Six weeks later it just showed up- and I had forgotten I actually wrote that down.

Here’s a picture of what I wrote- I was making an idea of where I wanted to live in 3–5years. and Surprise! It came so fast. Wow was that a shocker.

(pps. little house sits on 47 acres! and already had grand piano! wowzers!!)

Sometimes it’s a little scary when you learn that you can imagine things and then they just show up. Like the day I found a car in 5 minutes. Or how I met an amazing partner who lives just ten minutes from my new house, and who is quite lovely and enjoys staring at stars and taking long walks just like me.

I guess it’s good to let life surprise you.

That’s why I have been thinking about joy.

And what joy is. And sometimes it’s such a surprise. Because it’s a new feeling you know, like real joy.

Sometimes being a spy, it’s spying on parts of myself that I don’t really want to know about. Like with internal goggles that have xrays into my DNA.

DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. These instructions are found inside every cell, and are passed down from parents to their children.

or translated into basic speak:

“With my imagination I can change my DNA.” That’s my current experiment. Life is full of good experiments. Helps me be a better spy.

Thank you for joining in on the ongoing adventures!

by M.A. McCann

ps. Eeta Jane was out to play today and didn’t have time to join in as she is working away on a big big project we will be able to share with you soon!

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