Reflections on Life as a Creative Spy

Mara McCann
2 min readSep 23, 2020

Spies have to have a lot of skills. I mean they have to be crafty, and willing to go into dangerous places and then get themselves out quickly. I like spies that seem to have super powers.

For example, as a spy you have to have 365 degree vision. that’s for sure. like see things out of the back of your head. like when your mom is driving and you’re in the backseat and you pinch your brother and she screams at you. sort of like that.

and you have to notice things and then pretend that you didn’t really see them although you really did. Spies also have to be really really smart and read all sorts of books. I love how spies are just smart when you look at them, but you never see them doing their homework.

Isn’t that the tricky thing about life? We all have all this homework to be people, but that’s not what any of us see on the outside. Like maybe I have to get up early and take a long walk and do my stretches and drink tea before I feel very chatty. But you think I’m chatty by nature. And you, maybe you are getting dressed for school (or whatever grown up place you go to) and you’re listening to this on your headphones or your robot is reading it out-loud to you while you are polishing your shoes. But I don’t see that, and I don’t know that. But maybe in a way I do.

I think sometimes you can tell these things if you really stop and pause and SEE a person. That’s really beautiful right? When you can stop and really see a person. That’s always an exciting moment. and very rewarding. it’s also exciting to watch someone else stop and SEE a new person. Or have a new thought. That’s what makes life exciting to me. When we stop.

I know we are supposed to live life on go, but I’ve never had the most inventive thoughts ever when I’m in the middle of big places with all those people doing big things. Mostly it’s when I’m doing nothing in the kitchen. Then I have a few moments of reprieve.

I wonder if spies are tortured by their nature to want to investigate. It’s a love hate relationship. Waking up to know you are excited to see what’s happening and at the same time the fear of all the new things that are about to happen.

Smarter to just do the work. Then you bypass reckless chatter.

— M. A. McCann

Spy actress kid who got big

